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Clairvoyance Level

The clairvoyant psychics sometimes face very complex and challenging situations. In such cases, they refer the cases to the highly developed spirits or angels that have much higher levels of clairvoyance. It is like seeking the guidance and assistance of the guiding spirits who are omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

The psychics may develop this ability through different techniques. Conscious as they are of their humility in comparison with the higher clairvoyance levels of the angels and gods who govern the galaxy, they enter into a certain clairvoyance level before they retire to their beds. They try to sleep from that level and program their consciousness to wake up at a certain time during the night or still better in the early morning hours, when the whole world is asleep. They wake up automatically at the precisely programmed hour and re enter into their level and wait for their turn to present their case to the powers with higher clairvoyance levels.

When their turn comes, they bow their head in reverence and present their case in detail. It is obviously assumed that some power with a higher clairvoyance and intelligence level is listening to their submission. The basic essential to succeed in the process is to repose full confidence in the powers of the higher intelligence, which is up above in the sky.

It may also be noted that while you explain your case, you should also present your suggestions for the possible solution. Having done that you leave the rest in the hands of the powers with higher clairvoyance levels. They will do the best for everyone involved. You have transferred your case for adjudication and resolution in the best possible manner. It is advisable you should first try to resolve the matter on your own. It is when you fail in your own efforts, you seek the divine help. Do not leave every thing to the divine powers absolving yourself of every responsibility of effort. You will find that you get the best solutions and answers to your queries.

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